I tried to run this picture though photoshop to lighten it some because the orginal was too dark. I think I messed the picture up but o well lol. Now you can see a little better.

How To Make A Gingerbread House
(Directions below and what you need)
- M&M's (Walkway)
- Gum Drops (For roof, top of snowman hat, and roof of front porch)
- Frosted Mini Wheats (For Roof)
- Ice Cream Waffle Cones (For Christmas trees)
- Marshmallows (2 Big Ones) (2 small ones)
- Small Miniature Candy Canes (To go around the house, and hold front porch up)
- Orange Circus Peanuts (For Reindeer feet)
- Pretzels shaped like 8's & Long straight ones (For fence and tiny twig pieces for reindeer antler & tail- long ones for firewood)
- Gingerbread House Icing (1 lb. powdered sugar 1 tsp. cream of tartar 3 egg whites) Dries Very Hard!
- Coloring sprinkles (To decorate christmas trees)
- Green Striped Peppermints (For front porch and around house)
- Green & Red Gummy Life Savers (Front porch and on ground)
- Peppermint Patties (hat for snowman)
- Toothpicks (For Reindeer legs)
- Ribbon (To loop through pretzel fence)
- Green Fruit Roll up (For Snowman and Reindeer Scarf)
- Peanuts (For chimney)
- Red and Green Hard Candy (for roof and reindeer nose)
- Tootsie Rolls (Reindeer head)
- Tiny Black Sprinkles (for Snowman eyes and Reindeer eyes)
- Graham Crackers
- Brown & Pink Sugar Wafer Cookies (for reindeer and door of house)
- Powdered Sugar (To sprinkle on top of dried icing for snow)
I made this Gingerbread House a couple of years ago and it was a lot of fun. You can always leave stuff out if you don't have all the ingredients. Or if you want you can make it even BIGGER!
An idea for your kids at church would be to have them make Church House's and make the little gingerbread boys as people. You can put the boy gingerbread's in ties and the girls in dresses. You can have a Gingerbread Church House decorating party at church. Serve the kids Hot Chocolate to go with it.
You could teach them about the scripture in "Psalm 127:1-Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it..."
Snowman Directions:
- Big Snowman
- 2 Large Marshmallows (For Head and Body)
- Icing or Toothpick (To hold body together)
- Green Fruit Roll Up (Scarf)
- 1 Green Gum Drop (For Top Hat)
- 1 Peppermint Patty (For Top Hat)
- 1 Orange Gum Drop (Cut a tiny pointy piece for nose)
- Black Tiny Sprinkles (For Eyes, Mouth and Buttons)
Take your two large marshmallows and put a toothpick in the middle of them to hold them together. Tear a little piece of green fruit roll up off like a scarf and wrap it around snowman neck. Put a little piece of pointy orange gum drop nose on the snowman. Dot his eyes and buttons with black sprinkles. You can use the icing to stick this stuff on. Put his peppermint hat on and top it with a green gum drop. Remember to use your icing glue to help them stay on.
Little Snowman Directions:
- 2 Small Marshmallows
- 1 Orange Gum Drop (For nose)
- 1 Orange Gum Drop (cut in half for hat)
- Yellow Fruit Roll Up (For Scarf)
- Black Sprinkles (for eyes, mouth and buttons)
- Icing Glue
Use icing to stick the 2 marshmallows together. Cut a tiny piece of oragne gum drop for nose stick it on. Use black sprinkles for eyes, buttons and mouth. You can give him a scarf by useing fruit roll up cut in a tiny piece.
Reindeer Directions:
- 2 Brown Sugar Waffers (For body of reindeer)
- 3 Tiny Broken Pieces of Pretzels (For antlers and tail)
- 1 Tootsie Roll (For head)
- White Frosting (for white of eyes)
- Black sprinkle (For pupil of eye)
- 4 Toothpicks (for his legs)
- 2 Orange Circus Peanuts (cut in half for each foot)
- Green Fruit Roll Up (Cut into thin piece for Scarf)
- Red Candy (for nose- you can use m&m, red hot, red jelly bean, or something else)
Use Icing to glue your two brown sugar waffers together. Add your 4 toothpicks into the sugar waffers. Cut 2 circus peanuts in half and stick one on each toothpick for his little feet. Take a tootsie roll and cut in half. Shape it into a long head and glue down with icing. Add green fruit roll up scarf. Add your pretzel antlers that are broken into tiny pieces. Add your pretzel tail. Add your white icing for white of eyes and then add black sprinkle for black pupil of eye. Put his candy nose on.
Ice Cream Cone Christmas Trees Directions:
- Turn Cones upside down. Put some white icing on around the tree and add colorful sprinkles to it.
Gingerbread House Directions:
Take a large metal cookie sheet and cover in tinfoil. Flip it over where the bottom is the top. Now make your hard icing from recipe above. Pour over the tinfoil for snow effect. Now you can start on your house.
Build your house with Graham Crackers. After you have a shape to your house then you can add a front porch by using a long graham cracker and two small tiny ones, and a triangle cut piece. Ice those down. Use candy canes to hold the front porch up. Make sure you put a jelly lifesaver at the bottom to put your candy canes in. It will help hold the front porch up and keep it from sliding.
Now add your Frosted Mini Wheat's and Red and Green Gum Drops to your roof. Use glue icing for all that.
Add Peppermints to your front porch and around the house close to it.. Set a gum drop on each peppermint candy on the ones on the ground around the house. Put hour candy canes around the house. Add your firewood by using the long straight pretzel sticks in back next to your chimney that you need to make. Make that chimney out of gramham crackers and and cover with white icing. Stick peanuts in the white icing spaced apart. They look so neat. You can do the side of the house with peanuts and icing to give it that rocked house look. To make your door just add two pink sugar waffers side by side standing straight up and glue them to it using frosting glue.
Add your pretzel fence around the whole house and string ribbon through it for a pretty effect. Sprinkle powdered sugar lightly across hard snow ground for snow look. Add your walkwalk by putting some m&m's in the icing. Your icing should still be soft enough to do this by the time you get the structure of the house up.
Now just add your christmas trees, reindeer and snowmen in. Now you have a cute little gingerbread house.